유이드 전시

28 Pins
We Know Exactly What's Going To Happen To You 10 Years From Now!
Psychic Shop | Mechanic Fortune Teller Robot | Mannequin | Pagan | Illuminated Eye & Triangle | Neon Lights | Storefront | Light Up Store Sign | Divination | Occult | Esoteric | Black and White Photography | Magick | Fortune Telling Photo |
The Star tarot card ( Hi Judy how are the tarot cards ??? This past weekend we did one of our bon fires and I met a gal that said she would teach me....Yippy what set did you get? They have so many, some nicer looking than others. Love A
WHAT MADE ME Interactive Public Installation on Behance... - a grouped images picture
Getting the attendee to make the graphics in your booth. "Great way to add some interactivity" -triadcreativegroup.com:
Note Design Studio Stars in Residence Magazine's 'Designer of the Year' Exhibition in Stockholm | Yatzer
'Designer of the year’ exhibition by Residence Magazine & ArkDes. Installation view. Curated by Lotta Agaton | photo by Kristofer Johnsson.
The Happy Show - A Blog About Love
Stefan Sagmeister, The Happy Show Social Media...
Farming in the city – farmingthecity – city farm
Stripes Earned
RE•THINK at the National Maritime Museum, a collaboration with Juri Nishi, Stefi Orazi and DHA design, 2014
WHAT MADE ME Interactive Public Installation - Dorota Grabkowska
WHAT MADE ME Interactive Public Installation by Dorota Grabkowska, via Behance
Technisches Museum Wien exhibition signage | Communication Arts
Technisches Museum Wien exhibition signage