
227 Pins
LHF Golden Era Art Elements font
Letterhead Fonts / LHF Golden Era Art Elements / Golden Era Studios
LHF Corner Specimens font
Letterhead Fonts / LHF Corner Specimens / Scrolls and Borders
The Magick of Candles
http://vsnapdragyn.hubpages.com/hub/TOOLS-OF-THE-CRAFT-CANDLES I studied glyphs that had sun symbols for 2 years in college. Interesting.
LHF Americana Ornaments font
Letterhead Fonts / LHF Americana Ornaments / Golden Era Studios
Archetypes & Symbols, Crystalinks
I want the fire symbol on the back of my neck, since I'm an Aries and Aries in a fire sign, I like it more than getting an Aries symbol..
www.topbettingsites.co.uk is currently under construction
Celtic Symbols and Their Meanings | Lucky Symbols Ceramic Poker Chips Reviews
Indigosociety.com Domain Name
Ancient Irish Celtic Symbols Ogham Runes of Ancient ''Druid Spells, Incantations and Intentions'', ''Fewsets Basic'' Ancient Symbols of ''Higher Spiritual Power and Magic'' The Ancient Magical Language of The ''Ancient Celtic Irish Druids''. “Ogham Fews”, “Tree runes” or “Druidic Runes”
Moon glyphs by Revarick on DeviantArt
Sigils Symbols: Moon #Glyphs. #runes #sigils After writing Hedge Games, I looked all around Pinterest at other forms of runes/sigils/glyphs. Couldn't yet find the exact kind I envisioned, but I find it fascinating how many different forms exist
one day i'll get the mercury sign and the air sign somewhere probably on the insides of my arms, just higher up than my wrist tattoos. (seeing as I am a gemini i think these would be a much more unique tattoo idea rather than getting the normal gemini sign<3 )