fairy tale book

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Elephant on the moon
In a small town, there lives a lady astronomer. Every evening she looks at the moon through her telescope. She knows it like the back of her own hand. Even in her sleep, she can name all the mountains, the craters and the oceans of the silvery globe. One …
jon klassen on Twitter
GUYS - PW did a cover reveal thing for PAX. It's a great great book & I get to draw foxes. http://www.publishersweekly.com/pw/by-topic/childrens/childrens-book-news/article/67142-cover-reveal-pax.html …
Värejä meressä=Colour me Sea by Jenni Erkintalo A book about a crazy brush family and a group of sea animals who need a new coat of paint. What happens when two brushes bump into each other? One of the newest Etana Editions book from the North!
I can't read this book because I can't read french, but it was worth buying just for the beautful artwork. Mark Boutavant can do no wrong!
laura varsky art | Laura Varsky - Lady Rene beautiful illustrated children's book about a ...
Amazon.com: Children's Books: Books: Holidays & Celebrations, Growing Up & Facts of Life, Education & Reference & More
Globus childrens book
The Terrible Thing That Happened To Barnaby Brocket - John Boyne
The Terrible Thing That Happened to Barnaby Brocket, by John Boyne, illustrated by Oliver Jeffers ... I CAN'T WAIT!
Lotta Combinaguai - Ragazzi Mondadori
Lotta ha quattro anni (e qualcosa). Ha un fratello, Jonas, e una sorella, Mia-Maria. E due genitori molto pazienti. Poi ha Orso, il maiale di pezza da cui non si separa mai, e una vicina di casa gentilissima, la signora Berg. E non basta, perché la piccola Lotta ha anche un mucchio di idee balzane: un giorno, per esempio, sparisce e va a casa della vicina, perché ormai è grande abbastanza per vivere da sola e la sua mamma è troppo cattiva. Un'altra volta si piazza sotto la pioggia, appollai...
Shh! We Have a Plan|Hardcover
Want to own this. Just so much fun. Love the color palette. So interesting to look at. Humerous. Just wonderful.
36 Pages
Love the idea of shadows running around at night without us. And the flat color block illustrations are so dynamic. Love it.
25 Ridiculously Wonderful Books To Read With Kids In 2015
Pool by Lee Jihyeon