Landscape : Form

‘The Third Place’ by @ chrisprecht_penda underneath...
Gallery of Philadelphia Navy Yards / James Corner Field Operations - 6
Gallery - Philadelphia Navy Yards / James Corner Field Operations - 1
Pins de la Brume-09.jpg | HAI ZHANG
Landscape designed by Z+T Studio Landscape Architecture based in Shanghai for Pins de la Brume, a boutique hotel in Hangzhou.
Here's How The High Line's Landscape Architects Reenvision The Office Park
Woolwich_Squares-by-Gustafson_Porter_Landscape_Architecture-01 « Landscape Architecture Platform
Woolwich_Squares-by-Gustafson_Porter_Landscape_Architecture-01 « Landscape Architecture Works | Landezine
Kaiser Center Roof Garden
This elaborate garden atop a parking garage in San Francisco was inspired by the rooftop garden at Rockefeller Center in NYC.
Reconstrucción del Río de la Ciudad de Zhangjiagang / Botao Landscape
Reconstrucción del Río de la Ciudad de Zhangjiagang / Botao Landscape
Public spaces at the Burj Khalifa in Dubayy, United Arab Emirates, are a tour de force by SOM's Nada Andric.
Burj Khalifa Park and Plaza, Dubai