28 Pins
Hebrews Chapter 8 of the Jimmy Swaggart Bible Commentary
Abrahamic Covenant - the site this leads to is an interesting read too.
“…early Christians used the fish to distinguish their brethren from others on the road. By drawing one half of the fish in the dirt with their finger or a stick the Christian could test if a stranger was friend or foe... Another common reason given for the use of the Christian fish is found in an acrostic for the word "fish" in Greek... The Greek word for fish, ichthys, provided early Christians an opportunity for creative wordplay to form the phrase ‘Jesus Christ, God’s Son, Savior’.”
Can You Lose Your Salvation? Calvinism vs. Arminianism Explained | The Roys Report
Thanks to Julie Roys for sharing this and for her great program.
The Kings And Prophets Of Israel And Judah
When strong kings came with armies, the ancient Israelites begged God for a king. Through the prophet Samuel, God did set up a monarchy. And it looked like this.
Christian books & bible studies
From Shepherd to King Infographic is for sale
The Book of Judges - A Cycle of Sin & Salvation | The Good Book
Visual Theology – The Trinity
An infographic displaying some of the fundamental truths of the Trinity.
[Infographic] Tithing In The Old Testament
Excellent graphic work on Tithes by Ken Mafli. #Bible