윈도우,유리 그래픽

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Thomas Kronbichler - typo/graphic posters
"Effect and Affect. Architecture and The Digital Sublime." 1 Minimalist poster by Thomas Kronbichler.
Escher and the Droste effect - Universiteit Leiden
Mc Escher.... He might actually be my favorite
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Neon at Internl Architecture Biennale Rotterdam by Armand Mevis and Linda Van Deursen with Karl Nawrot via @_Undt
Design Envy · “Endless Staircase” GIF: David Dope
David Dope’s completely tripped out animated GIFs fall just as well under “Motion Graphics,” “Experience Design” and “Design for Entertaining.”
SNAKE RANCH - amazingoverlord: Orbit for Eye Movement...
Snake Ranch | amazingoverlord: Orbit for Eye Movement...