
Humans, as the most dominant form of animal life on the planet, are beings whose properties, dimensions, and traits have the most direct impact on the qualities of the built environment. Connected to the known standard measurements and sizes of the human body, the designed objects that constitute our everyday spaces are created to best support use by human beings.
230 Pins
Upward Facing Forward Bend Pose (Urdhva Mukha Paschimottanasana)
Upward Facing Forward Bend Pose is an advanced seated bind that gives a deep stretch to the hamstrings while challenging the Yogi to balance on just the sit bones. This posture can help with digestion and helps to build strength all over the body while toning the abs, back, and legs. Downloads online #yoga #humans #exercise #meditation
Upward Abdominal Lock (Uddiyana Bandha )
Upward Abdominal Lock is an advanced breathing exercise that strengthens the abs and diaphragm. The Upward Abdominal Lock can help with circulation, and is known to increase something called “Gastric Fire”, which can improve digestion. Downloads online #yoga #humans #exercise #meditation
Tripod Headstand Lotus Legs Pose (Sirsasana li Padmasana)
Tripod Headstand Lotus Legs Pose and an advanced posture combining a couple different intermediate poses together. Yogis should get comfortable with Lotus and Headstand on their own, using them to prepare for the full expression of Tripod Headstand Lotus Legs Pose. Downloads online #yoga #humans #exercise #meditation
Tripod Headstand (Sirsasana)
Tripod Headstand is an advanced posture that strengthens the arms, legs, and back as well as improves digestion, and has the ability to calm the mind while relieving stress and even mild symptoms of depression. Some cautions to Tripod Headstand are back Injury, headaches, and neck injuries. Downloads online #yoga #humans #exercise #meditation
Standing Wall Split Pose
Standing Wall Split Pose is an advanced posture that uses the wall as a prop for the full expression. The wall in Standing Wall Split Pose not only can help with balance but is meant to keep the Yogi mindful of alignment. Yogis with wrist, shoulder or hip issues use caution. Downloads online #yoga #humans #exercise #meditation
Standing Split Twist Pose
Standing Split Twist Pose is an advanced standing posture combining a standing split with a twist. Standing Split Twist Pose strengthens the legs, stretches the hamstrings, and helps to bring flexibility to the spine. Yogi’s with hip or knee issues use caution. Downloads online #yoga #humans #exercise #meditation
Split Leg Handstand Pose
Split Leg Handstand Pose is an advanced posture that combines other Yogi postures together and makes for a real challenging balance. Split Leg Handstand strengthens the arms, back, abs and glutes while also helping to build focus and concentration. Downloads online #yoga #humans #exercise #meditation
Pose Dedicated to the Sage Koundinya II (Eka Pada Koundinyanasana II)
Pose Dedicated to the Sage Koundinya II is an advanced posture that strengthens arms and wrist as well as tones the belly and spine. Some preparatory poses that help get the body ready for this challenging pose are Reclining Hand-to-Big-Toe Pose, Four-Staffed Limb Pose and Wide-Angled Seated Bend. Downloads online #yoga #humans #exercise #meditation
Pose Dedicated to the Sage Koundinya I (Eka Pada Koundinyanasana I)
Pose Dedicated to the Sage Koundinya I is an advanced arm balance that helps tone the arms, abs and strengthen the wrist. Beginners may want to use a bolster to support the side leg in this pose. Yogi’s with wrist or lower back injury use caution. Downloads online #yoga #humans #exercise #meditation
Peacock Pose (Mayurasana)
Peacock Pose is an advanced arm balance that helps the forearms, wrist, back, and legs become stronger. Peacock pose also helps to tone the abs and can be build up to with some preparatory postures such as Four-Limed Staff Pose, or a seated version of Foot Behind the Head pose. Downloads online #yoga #humans #exercise #meditation
One Legged Wheel Pose (Eka Pada Chakrasana)
One Legged Wheel Pose is an advanced posture that is an extension to the regular Wheel Pose. One Legged Wheel Pose test a Yogi’s strength and balance and stretches the shoulders, chest, and whole front side of the body. Some preparatory postures include Bridge Pose. Downloads online #yoga #humans #exercise #meditation
One Legged King Pigeon Pose II (Eka Pada Rajakapotasana)
One Legged King Pigeon Pose II is an advanced posture that opens the entire front of the body and is a variation of the original Pigeon Pose. One Legged King Pigeon Pose II also stretches the back, improves posture, and stimulates the inner organs. Downloads online #yoga #humans #exercise #meditation
One Legged King Pigeon Pose (Eka Pada Rajakapotasana)
One Legged King Pigeon Pose is an advanced posture that opens the chest, hips, and gives a deeps stretch to the quads, groin and neck. Some preparatory postures include Bound Angle, Cobra Pose, Cow Face Pose, and Hero Pose. Yogi’s with ankle or knee injuries should use caution. Downloads online #yoga #humans #exercise #meditation
One Legged Headstand (Eka Pada Sirsasana)
One Legged Headstand is an advanced inversion that stretches the hamstrings, glutes, hips, and requires a good amount of stretch to maintain the hold. Some preparatory postures to One Legged Headstand include postures such as Thread the Needle and hip openers. Downloads online #yoga #humans #exercise #meditation
One Legged Forearm Wheel Pose
One Legged Forearm Wheel Pose is an advanced posture combining other postures to make for a truly challenging balancing back bend. One Legged Forearm Wheel will open up the chest and stretch the entire front of the body, as well as the quads, and require a lot of strength and flexibility. Downloads online #yoga #humans #exercise #meditation