body support

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Square Lashing - I've always loved lashing; making chairs, structures, and bridges out of whatever wood I found while camping and the rope I'd bring with-this is the basic lash for everything you do.
Double X, the outdoor folding chair created by Portuguese designer Tiago Braz Martins.
Tensegrity - Marko Bilbija
Tensegrity on Behance 발로차면 부서질거같이 생겼는데 복잡한구조로 체중을 견딜수있게만든게 존경스럽다
Modern Casual Furniture by Paola Lenti - Furniture Collection 2009
Modern Casual Furniture by Paola Lenti - Furniture Collection 2009
Crystal Math - Yanko Design
No. That isn’t a Pokémon. It’s a chair; and a pretty fine one, that too. Inspired by quartz, and built using an intricate mathematical algorithm derived from the mineral’s complex crystalline structure, the armchair comprises of a wooden frame and geometric cushions that you can arrange to make sure the chair feels comfortable.
Globe Furniture By Peter Opsvik - IGNANT
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