* 3D TYPE *

40 Pins
3D Projects
3D Projects by Joao Oliveira, via Behance - 3D Typography Design Modelling
/// Typography 3D /// - Alexis Persani
/// Typography 3D /// on Behance
Music Machine - Duncan Sham
Music Machine by Duncan Sham, via Behance
Creative 3D Typography by Elliott Grubb | Inspiration Grid
Creative 3D Typography by Elliott Grubb | Inspiration Grid | Design Inspiration
2012 by Rik Oostenbroek - A personal 3d type experiment I made on the last day of the year, exploring new depths and techniques. I started learning 3d back when I was in new york, the month before. rikoostenbroek.com
Age Themes
The ‪freebie‬ of the day is 80’s Retro Typography Effect Free Download. Have a look and grab it right away just a click!