
9 Pins
Titled : save mother earth, did this as part of team to participate in an competition with time duration or 2.5 hours. This is on 2x2 ft canvas, purely done with watercolours. I reqlly liked the shading in the background.. overall the idea of drawing was also unique and well executed.
2016 계명대학교 실기대회 수상작/복현 창조의 아침
2016 계명대학교 실기대회 수상작/복현 창조의 아침 : 네이버 블로그
#global warming Morski #발상과표현 #발상참고 #사고의전환 #디자인 #아이디어
Handpicked goodies for entrepreneurs, developers and web designers
help stop global warming
Most creative Global Warming awareness posters - Os mais criativos cartazes de sensibilização sobre o aquecimento global
I learned that pollution blocks gasses from releasing into the atmosphere and they stay on earth which warms it.