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걱정말아요(There's the light for you) by 꼬닐리오 on Grafolio
창작자들의 놀이터 : 그라폴리오
The First Photograph of The Moon
One of the first pictures ever taken of the moon by Dr. J. W. Draper of New York, 1840
This Is What Your Moon Sign Says About Your Personality
Moon signs represent your inner emotions and inner mood. Check yours out!
Moon shown in highest resolution yet in image made of 32,000 pictures
The image above was created by stitching together 32,000 separate photographs of the moon taken over half an hour to produce one of the most detailed pictures of the lunar surface ever produced, revealing details like the debris thrown out from impact craters
In his days shall the righteous flourish; and abundance of peace so long as the moon endureth. (Psalm 72:7)
달님한테 가자(We will reach the moon)
조금만 더.. 조금만 더.. 앞으로 나아가자. 세상이 어둡고 차가울지라도 우리를 변함없이 지켜주는 달님이 있어. A little bit more.. and more.. We can go through. Even this world is dark and cold, There's the moon always shine for us.
Betta Splendens - Half Moon, Double Tail, Crown Tail Bettas - (purple betta)
purple moon
Buy Domains - is for sale!
Moon Falls is located on the Moon River, just outside the village of Williams - Lake County, Oregon
O Beijo das Estrelas
O Beijo das Estrelas: Anoitecer, na praia Junto ao mar, as criançass...