Chinese royal paintings

Water-Moon Avalokiteśvara
Buddha Amitabha, mid-late 14th century, ink, color, and gold on silk, 160.3 x 86 cm (Freer Gallery of Art)
B10 明 丁雲鵬 千手觀音圖 - 畵寸尺 278x71cm, 絹本彩色, 1626年, 無签名
A Chinese Buddhist Painting - Avalokitesvara of Thousand Hands / Silk edition / No signature - The author is presumed to be Ding Yun Peng. / A QRDS(Quantum Resonance Dating System) scan shows that in 1626. (Please refer to the attached certificate.) B10 明 丁雲鵬 千手觀音圖 - 畵寸尺 278x71cm, 絹本彩色, 1626年, 無名 bodhisattva Avalokitesvara of Thousand Hands Bodhisattva
B10 明 丁雲鵬 千手觀音圖 - 畵寸尺 278x71cm, 絹本彩色, 1626年, 無签名
A Chinese Buddhist Painting - Avalokitesvara of Thousand Hands / Silk edition / No signature - The author is presumed to be Ding Yun Peng. / A QRDS(Quantum Resonance Dating System) scan shows that in 1626. (Please refer to the attached certificate.) B10 明 丁雲鵬 千手觀音圖 - 畵寸尺 278x71cm, 絹本彩色, 1626年, 無名 bodhisattva Avalokitesvara of Thousand Hands Bodhisattva
B10 明 丁雲鵬 千手觀音圖 - 畵寸尺 278x71cm, 絹本彩色, 1626年, 無签名
A Chinese Buddhist Painting - Avalokitesvara of Thousand Hands / Silk edition / No signature - The author is presumed to be Ding Yun Peng. / A QRDS(Quantum Resonance Dating System) scan shows that in 1626.
B10 明 丁雲鵬 千手觀音圖 - 畵寸尺 278x71cm, 絹本彩色, 1626年, 無签名
A Chinese Buddhist Painting - Avalokitesvara of Thousand Hands / Silk edition / No signature - The author is presumed to be Ding Yun Peng. / A QRDS(Quantum Resonance Dating System) scan shows that in 1626.
[Arhat in red] - by Tang-Yin, Ming danasty 明 堂寅 紅衣羅漢圖 卷