Pretty&Cute Images

122 Pins
Wawel Cathedral Krakow-Saint of the Day – 11 April – St Stanislaus (1030-1079) also known as St Stanislaus Szczepanowsky – Bishop and Martyr, Preacher, Spiritual Director – Patron of Cracow, Poland, archdiocese of • Cracow, Poland, city of, Plock, Poland, diocese of, Poland, soldiers in battle, moral order – Attributes – bishop with a sword, bishop being attacked.......
35 Images from Around the World :: This Is Glamorous (TIG)
Warsaw, Poland by The Globetrotting Photographer | 35 Images from Around the World :: This is Glamorous
Appearance Attorney in Los Angeles | AppearanceAttorney
~Warsaw, Łazienki Palace~ More
Neuschwanstein Castle in Allgau, Bavaria, Germany - Explore the World with Travel Nerd Nici, one Country at a Time.
Hermitage Museum, Saint Petersburg
The Hermitage Museum, Saint Petersburg, Russia
Hermitage Museum, Saint Petersburg
The Hermitage Museum, Saint Petersburg, Russia