
344 Pins
Material Design - Style
app을 만들때 꼭 생각해야 할 것중 하나가 색감이다. 아주 고급스럽거나 아주 촌스럽거나.. 감각적인 부분이다.. 특히나 나는 색깔을 조합하는걸 매우 힘들어하는대 이처럼 그라데이션을 조화롭게 쓰는걸 잘 봐둬야겠다. 저기다가 오퍼시티를 준다면 더욱 세련되 보일꺼같다.
Storage & Organization - The Container Store
Our Expandable Wine Carrier is sure to be the perfect hostess gift or a conversation starter at any holiday party!
제품디자인교육 PDF HAUS
Product design / Industrial design / 제품디자인 / 산업디자인 / coffee machine / dyson…
Claudi & Fin
Claudi & Fin - Packaging of the World - Creative Package Design Gallery - http://www.packagingoftheworld.com/2016/04/claudi-fin.html
Altiplano Milk
Altiplano Milk - Packaging of the World - Creative Package Design Gallery - http://www.packagingoftheworld.com/2016/05/altiplano-milk.html
Fruit + juice glass = Fresh juice packaging - design by Backbone Branding (Armenia) - http://www.packagingoftheworld.com/2016/04/siya.html
Molocow Concept Milk Package (Concept)
Molocow ‪‎UFO‬ ‪Milk‬ ‪‎Concept‬ ‪#‎packaging‬ designed by Imedia Creative Bureau (‪Kyrgyzstan‬) - http://www.packagingoftheworld.com/2016/03/molocow-concept-milk-package-concept.html
Brilliant #packaging designed to provide a more convenient way for fast-food industry. By Seulbi Kim, Rhode Island school of Design. More info: http://portfolios.risd.edu/gallery/TOGO-burger/7531801
Zee – Honey Goods
Zee Honey Goods packaging design by gen design studio (Portugal) - http://www.packagingoftheworld.com/2016/06/zee-honey-goods.html
Let’s Get Creative 2016
Let's Get Creative with Design Quotes by STUDIO JQ (UK) - http://www.packagingoftheworld.com/2016/05/lets-get-creative-2016.html
beolab 90 loudspeakers by bang and olufsen define sound with 360-degree acoustics