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3d models - download 3dsky.org
3d models: Other decorative objects - Wall Stripes 2
Room Dividers, Acoustic Panels, & Partition Walls
Our Acoustic Sound Stone Panels make your space look great and control sound in spaces prone to echo and reverb. They work well in your music studio, office space, or auditorium.
*인터렉티브 오피스랜드스케이프 [ WORKac ] wieden+kennedy's 50,000 sq.ft new york office space
인터렉티브 오피스랜드스케이프. 광고대행사 wieden+kennedy 의 새로운 뉴욕오피스는 도시의 밀집된 환경을 투영, 다양한 컨텐츠 및 개별적인 업무환경을 보장하는 동시에 광고회사의 특수성을 (다양한 분야의 결합, 합성을 통해 창의적인 생산활동을 위한 공간 확보) 반영한 창의적인 비즈니스환경 구축을 목적으로 놀이+오피스가 결합된 공간을 구현한다. 이는 소통지향형 공간의 생성과 열린건축으로 다양한 크기, 볼륨의 소..
Fullscreen Offices - Los Angeles | Office Snapshots
Fullscreen Offices - Los Angeles - Office Snapshots
Advertising Agency Office - Picture gallery 49
This is a really awesome tour of the Publicis Muldovo office. I can't even believe it. Its so cool! It even appeared on the archilovers blog.
Sykes Enterprises, Inc.’s Lakeland Call Center | Office Snapshots
SykesLakeland2 700x466 Sykes Enterprises, Inc.’s Lakeland Call Center
A highly visible media wall offers the latest company news and various RSS feeds to help workers engage with the organization’s activities. Enclosed phone booths provide an easily accessible and private place for visitors to take a call or write an email.