Planet, Go Green, Environment, Nature

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this is so many are dying and suffering needlessly because the abuse of our environment
Earth Supporter Shirt
March for Science - Earth Supporter Shirt by Miles Greb — Kickstarter
“Live in each season as it passes; breathe the air, drink the drink, taste the fruit, and resign yourself to the influence of each." ~Henry David Thoreau
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This image sums up our oceans, beaches, and rivers today. The plastics represents that most of our bodies of water is polluted and filled with garbage.
The World’s Top Greenest Countries … Where Does the U.S. Stack Up?
The World’s Top Greenest Countries … Where Does the U.S. Stack Up?
Cleaning Up the Oceans' 'Plastic Soup'
We all need to start changing our lifestyles, this is just wrong. Cleaning Up the Oceans Plastic Soup
Shampoo Toxins and Ingredients to Avoid... Add the synthetic skin drying ingredient Petroleum to list list too please!!