
89 Pins
素敵なあなたへ 刺繍ブローチ(木枠)5.5☆
장미.꽃 素敵なあなたへ 刺繍ブローチ(木枠)5.5☆
Stitching Sanity
moonstone-mama: “ This one came out a little different, from what I expected. I drew the outlines too big, which is why the roses are further apart. Oh well… It’s not a mistake, as long as you’ve learned from it. Or something like that. ”
좋아요 3,369개, 댓글 127개 - Instagram의 刺繡作家 王瓊怡 Joanne(@up_in_the_hill)님
399 Followers, 166 Following, 84 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Embroidered life (@_tatauc_)
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Lotus Flower Watercolor Painting On Rice Stock Illustration 286240442 | Shutterstock
Lotus flower watercolor painting on rice paper, original art, Asian style