인형 패턴

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10 советов начинающим по шитью кукольной одежды
Одежда для кукол • World of Dolls | VK
Pattern cutting. Changing the shape and height of the sleeve-cap alters the angle that the sleeve joins to the bodice and how restricted or not the movement of the arm will be.
Sewing for Sylvanian Family Doll Clothes Sewing Pattern Printable Download Doll Sewing Pattern PDF F
Printable Sewing Pattern for Sylvanian Family Doll Clothes doll Blythe Licca Doll Sewing Patterns Sewing Patterns Download! Download Actural Sized Dolls Sewing Patterns, now ON SALE! Complete patterns are included in one PDF. #download #dollclothes #patterns #pattern #ebook #tutorial #sewingpattern #pdf #blythe #11cm #22cm #obitsu #leather #leathergoods #dollshoes #dollbag #dollclothes #PDF #Nendoroid
calico critters!!!
a tutorial for how to make a full circle skirt dress like the one in this post! I had fun making it! please tell me if you like the tutorial and maybe I will make more (mushroom hat perhaps?) 🍄🍃✨