
53 Pins
Gyroid Pavilion Design
Gyroid Pavilion Design – Thomas Diewald
A Beginners Guide To Great Wood Carvings - Artistic Wood Products
cèdre scarifié
‘circa 1936 (sculpture)‘, Ben Nicholson OM, c.1936 | Tate
Ben Nicholson OM ‘circa 1936 (sculpture)’, c.1936 © Angela Verren Taunt 2015. All rights reserved, DACS
Agostino Bonalumi: The Glass of Shadows
Agostino Bonalumi, Untitled (Bianco), 2011. Acrylic on canvas, 120 x 190 cm
9 Apps To Easily Make 3D Printable Objects
One of the problems with 3D printing is getting a hold of things to print. You can of course download pre-made objects from a variety of places like Thingiverse; but if you want something unique and made by you, that's where things get a little difficult. Here are 9 quick and easy apps for making…