63 Pins
I am different. I am me. I make friends with owls and drink tea. Judge me if you like. But unlike you I am happy. I walk misty paths, and live in wild forests. I stop at circuses to stay hello, but never stay for more then a day. I like the nights. The stars to me are lighter then the shining sun. I am who I am and I change for no one.
3D & Animation online courses for creative professionals | Domestika
Light of the Kingdom by Steve Argyle | 2D | CGSociety
@дневники: асоциальная сеть
Art by Phobs* • Blog/Website | (http://phobso.tumblr.com) ★ || CHARACTER DESIGN REFERENCES™ (https://www.facebook.com/CharacterDesignReferences & https://www.pinterest.com/characterdesigh) • Love Character Design? Join the #CDChallenge (link→ https://www.facebook.com/groups/CharacterDesignChallenge) Share your unique vision of a theme, promote your art in a community of over 50.000 artists! || ★
Between Two Worlds
∎ http://www.pinterest.com/onitek/tolkiens-world/ Mirkwood elven guard concept art
Aesthetics Matter: 7 Ways to Optimize Your Blog Through Visual Content
Halil Ural Curso de Maya, para los interesados en profundizar en la animación 3D, estamos ofreciendo un curso semi-personalizado, no dudes en contactarnos por este medio (Mensaje) o llamar al 310 288 3252 Bogotá- Colombia.
Gods of Egypt Concept Art by Jared Krichevsky | Concept Art World
Concept Art 3D -Représentation du Dieux Horus dans le film Gods of Egypt - Film 2016 réalisé par Alex Proyas.
Knight by Egakuro on DeviantArt
Auch eine sehr geniale Rüstung. Auch der Helm - ähnelt schon dem von Sauron und Overlord.