
159 Pins
The Others: 7 Sins – Gluttony Expansion
The Others: 7 Sins – Gluttony Expansion | Image | BoardGameGeek
@riopon2000bd59 on Drawcrowd
Wyvern Although I have spent most of my working life in education teaching with a strong emphasis on history, my other love is art, unfortunately I posses no aptitude for art fortunately these artists do! - look, enjoy and learn! Linda ( Educational director of http://www.siteseen.info ).
Storybook illustrations by Ben Wootten | Digital Art Gallery
Bambi, the great deer who walks beside Kara. Punishes hunters and takes care of the orphaned. Has never harmed an animal in his life but has killed many humans.
Jeu : Magic the Gathering / Convergence des guivres des sables by Slawomir Maniak / http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?multiverseid=427692&part=Sandwurm+Convergence
Stan Winston School of Character Arts
What's your favorite monster? Evangelion redesign by Nagy Norbert.
Bztavian Art - Final Fantasy XI: Seekers of Adoulin Art Gallery
Colkhab from Final Fantasy XI: Seekers of Adoulin