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14 Pins
I looooove that these Whole Body Listening icons are removable. They are the perfect non-verbal cue to keep my students focused!
Cube Mural Inspired by Street Artist Thank YouX -
Cube Mural Inspired by Street Artist Thank YouX | Art is Basic | An Elementary Art Blog
SSSTeaching | Bloglovin’
Goal Getters - goal setting display idea | Sparkles, Smiles, and Successful Students | Bloglovin’
Growth Mindset Teaching Ideas and FREE Resources
Do your students have a growth mindset or a fixed mindset? Here are some engaging activities for elementary kids. These lessons are designed as a way to foster a Growth Mindset culture in your classroom with your students. Also Included are bulletin board resources to display student work.
Every Single Student Paints One Rock For The Coolest Elementary Art Project, Ever
“There’s only one you in this great big world. Make it a better place.”
Ashlee Gordon
3rd grade classroom themes | ... board for to occupy students that finsih early in the classroom
BUNDLED Art Classroom Management Tools - Voice O Meter, Art Jobs, Picasso Pass, Give me 5 Sign
Voice O Meter Noise Control Management