
34 Pins
Wall to Wall Carpeting
Wall to Wall Carpeting's album (Piliad Echons) artwork is based on the title of the band. It has lead the designers at Bend to experiment with basic insulating materials such as cork.:
Stay ahead of the curve with Feedly AI
Sivert Høyem - visual identity and CD cover design by ANTI
Graphic design inspiration: 15 elegant designs
I don’t know if these are just concepts or have been produced like this. I don’t know either who still buys DVDs. Anyway, these cover designs are just gorgeous and use typography the right way, that’s all I need to know.
Free and Simple DIY CD or DVD Mailer Envelope
Free and Simple DIY CD or DVD Mailer Envelope - very good idea. use cardstock paper too!
Cd Box Template Vector Art & Graphics | freevector.com
CD Box Template
Graphic Design by Mike Rigby
Impressive Graphic Design by Mike Rigby, a Designer from the UK. Yellow and Black CD cover.
Aspen Media CD Packaging Templates
Aspen Media CD Packaging Templates
Fivestar Branding Agency – Business Branding and Web Design for Small Business Owners
Ciclo de Cine Film Series Branding by Nahuel Mercado | Fivestar Branding Agency – Design and Branding Agency & Inspiration Gallery
Free Jungle PNG Images with Transparent Backgrounds - FastPNG.com
The shade of blue used against the gray makes the blue pop, and the combination of photographs with hand drawn illustrations make this magazine stand out. - Bolo Magazine | #Editorial #Layout
[앨범디자인] f(x) 4walls 앨범디자인
[앨범디자인] f(x) 4walls 앨범디자인 : 네이버 블로그
[Random Cover] SHINEE TAEMIN 1st Album - Press it CD + Poster
TAEMIN 1st Album "PRESS IT" | Music Album Packaging
LH7 on Twitter
Pink Tape pink album #packaging PD 1613053 양지희: 옛날의 CD앨범은 단순한 사진이 껴진 케이스에 cd만 들어있었지만 요즘은 이렇게 각 가수와 앨범컨셉에 맞게 패키지디자인되어 나온다. 구매욕을 끌어올리고 가수를 표현하는데 장점이있는것같다.
[앨범디자인] f(x) 4walls 앨범디자인
[앨범디자인] f(x) 4walls 앨범디자인 f(x) 의 4walls 앨범디자인, 네개의 벽이란 컨셉에 너무 딱 들어맞으...