
119 Pins
Just putting the final touches on my Whidbey Bag, weaving sunset vibes with a mix of yarn scraps. I love playing around with different weights – some chunky, some delicate – to create this cool, textured effect. It’s such a relaxing project, watching all those yarns blend together, and it feels great to be stashbusting while creating something beautiful - and practical; I can fit like 4 yarn cakes and a whole sweater WIP in here! #marypoppinseatyourheartout 🍰🧶💼 If you’re curious, you can le...
Aprenda a fazer Crochê e faça lindas peças de decoração para sua casa, CLIQUE AQUI!
Curso de Crochê do básico ao avançado, são mais de 70 Vídeo aulas passo a passo, e ainda ganhe Sua Apostila digital com mais de 1000 Gráficos e Receitas! #Crochêpassoapassoparainiciantes #Crochêpassoapasso #cursosdecrochê #flores #crochê #croche #graficos #crochet #croche #crocheamao #bolsasdecroche
This may contain: two hands holding scissors over a knitted bag with pom poms on it